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Nita Lewis
HS English
High School
Jacque Horacek
High School
Noah Hansen
HS Custodian / Almena Maintenance
Deb Brassfield
Para Professional
John Vincent
GS, JH, & HS Librarian
Mitch Pugh
HS Social Science
Jessie Thalheim
6-12 Science & HS Athletic Director
Jim Cole
K-12 PE & JH Athletic Director
Terry Logemann
5-12 Interrelated
Ed Schurman
Vocational Agriculture & FFA / FACS
Sarah Rudd
HS Vocal & Band / K-4 Music / Student Success Coordinator
Emily Lowry
6-12 Math
Amy McKinney
HS Computers & Business
Ken Tharman
Superintendent & HS Principal
Kacie Yocum
HS Secretary
Amber Brown
Board Clerk
Cindy Fischer
Para Professional
Becky Delimont
Head Cook